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Alienology Celestial Objects and Their Connections
- M33 (Triangulum Galaxy)
- Type: Spiral Galaxy
- Distance: 2.73 million light-years
- Connection: Intergalactic travel hub or Andromedan ally
- M13 (Hercules Globular Cluster)
- Type: Globular Cluster
- Distance: 22,200 light-years
- Connection: Ancient civilization or cosmic archive
- Zeta Reticuli
- Type: Binary Star System
- Distance: 39 light-years
- Connection: Home of Greys, abduction lore
- Alpha Centauri
- Type: Star System
- Distance: 4.37 light-years
- Connection: Proximity gateway, potential humanoid beings
- Lyra (Lyrans)
- Type: Constellation
- Distance: Varies
- Connection: Ancestral wisdom, spiritual guidance
- Arcturus
- Type: Star
- Distance: 36.7 light-years
- Connection: Spiritual and cosmic harmony
- Vega
- Type: Star
- Distance: 25 light-years
- Connection: Artistic and harmonious civilizations
- Aldebaran
- Type: Star
- Distance: 65 light-years
- Connection: Ancient myths, technological guidance
- Betelgeuse
- Type: Star
- Distance: 642 light-years
- Connection: Orionan networks, interstellar waypoint
- Rigel
- Type: Star
- Distance: 860 light-years
- Connection: Orionan power center, mixed alliances
- Tau Ceti
- Type: Star
- Distance: 12 light-years
- Connection: Humanoid civilizations, peaceful intent
- Altair
- Type: Star
- Distance: 16.7 light-years
- Connection: Aquatic or hybrid civilizations, interdimensional travel
- Antares
- Type: Star
- Distance: 550 light-years
- Connection: Warrior-like civilizations, cosmic order guardians
- Polaris
- Type: Star
- Distance: 323 light-years
- Connection: Beacon for extraterrestrial navigation
- Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
- Type: Spiral Galaxy
- Distance: 2.5 million light-years
- Connection: Central to Andromedan civilizations
- Sagittarius A*
- Type: Galactic Core
- Distance: 25,640 light-years
- Connection: Interdimensional travel gateway
- Pleiades
- Type: Star Cluster
- Distance: 444 light-years
- Connection: Pleiadian civilizations, spiritual guidance
- Sirius A & B
- Type: Binary Star System
- Distance: 8.6 light-years
- Connection: Spiritual beings, Dogon myths, aquatic Nommos beings